Voter Information
Check Your Status
The North Carolina Board of Elections maintains a voter information page with helpful tools to help you navigate the voting process. Visit this webpage and check the status of your voter registration, find information about your county board of elections, view a sample ballot, and more.
Register to Vote
If you are not registered to vote, you can begin the registration process online today. The deadline to register before the May 17 Primary Election is Friday, April 22 at 5:00 P.M.
Visit the NC Board of Elections voter registration site and follow the instructions for registering to vote. NC Board of Elections
Request an Absentee Ballot
Any North Carolina registered voter may request an absentee ballot so that he or she can vote by mail. All Primary Election absentee ballot requests must be received by your county board of elections by Tuesday, May 10. Your completed absentee ballot must be received by your county board of elections by Primary Election Day, May 17. For more information visit the NC Board of Elections absentee by mail ballot site. NC Board of Elections site
Find Your Early Voting Location
Early Voting for the Primary Election begins on Thursday, April 28 and runs through 3:00 PM on Saturday, May 14. There are early voting locations all across the Fifth Congressional District. Visit the NC Board of Elections site for a complete list.
Election Day Voting Sites
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 17. You can find your voting site by using the North Carolina Board of Elections polling place lookup tool here. You need to input your full address in order to find your polling place.
North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District
Find out if you live in the new 5th Congressional District by visiting this website.